The Faculty of Education, Benha University, hopes to be a pioneer in educational, pedagogical, research...


The Faculty of Education is committed to preparing and qualifying a creative and distinguished teacher in knowledge, skills...


The Faculty seeks to prepare distinguished, competitive and innovative students and graduates...


The conference of the stduents exchange in the united Arab of Emirates with the participants of Benha University and five Egyptian universities

The conference of the stduents exchange in the united Arab of Emirates with the participants of Benha University and five Egyptian universities

The stduents exchange conference has begun which was organized by the Arab universities Arab union. The conference was initiated by the word of prof.Dr. Ghalib El-Refaay, the president of El-Ein university in which he stresses that the stduents exchange is very important among the Arab universities to help the youth stimulate their thoughts and culture. 

All the potentials of Benha University are at the disposal of the ministry of health

All the potentials of Benha University are at the disposal of the ministry of health

   In the frame of the societal role of Benha University, the university put all its medical potentials at the disposal of the state to provide a quality healthcare to the poisoned at Shubra-EL-Khima in the Qulubia governorate. The university president contacts with prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd el-Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine and prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the manager of the university hospitals in order to contact the ministry of health and get the job well done.

EL-Kady asserts that the university hospitals are up and running

EL-Kady asserts that the university hospitals are up and running

In a phone call, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president asserts that the university hospitals are up and running and the hospitals are providing a quality healthcare to the patients. The university president says that the problem of the strike has been solved by contacting the dean of the faculty of nursing and the deputies of the faculty to provide those who do the job of nurses as per what has been agreed upon with the dean of the faculty of medicine, the faculties’ deputies and the manager of the university hospitals.

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