The Faculty of Education, Benha University, hopes to be a pioneer in educational, pedagogical, research...


The Faculty of Education is committed to preparing and qualifying a creative and distinguished teacher in knowledge, skills...


The Faculty seeks to prepare distinguished, competitive and innovative students and graduates...


Ahlia Benha University needs to contract with Faculty Members and Assistants

Ahlia Benha University needs to contract with Faculty Members and Assistants

Ahlia Benha University (under foundation) announces for its desire to contract with faculty members (professor - assistant professor - lecturer) and assistants by assignment for 2 academic years to the faculties of (Engineering - Business Administration - Biological and Technological Science - Visual Arts and Design - Medicine). If anyone interest, he can submit his/her CV to the secretariat of the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs starting from Agust11 to 25, 2020.

Benha University needs director for GSCIRS

Under the patron of Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and Prof. Dr. Randa Mustafa, the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs; the Sector of Community Service and Environment Development Affairs opens the door for applying to the vacancy of Director for the General Service Center for Information and Research Services " GSCIRS" from the faculty members of the University who has experience in the same field. To apply, you can submit your CV to the office of the University Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development Affairs within 2 weeks from the date of announcement.

El Saeed receives the President of “Nur-Mubarak” University, Kazakhstan

El Saeed receives the President of “Nur-Mubarak” University, Kazakhstan

Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has received today Dr. Mohamed El Shahat El Gendy, the President of The Egyptian University of Islamic Culture “Nur-Mubarak”, Kazakhstan on the sideline of participation in a jury and discussion committee for master thesis at the Faculty of Education in the presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs and Dr. Eman Abdel Haq, the Faculty Dean.
El Saeed said that meeting discussed the ways of cooperation between the Islamic University and Benha University in the similar programs at both universities, indicating that the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture is one of the most important beacons of Islamic thought in Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia.

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