The Faculty of Education, Benha University, hopes to be a pioneer in educational, pedagogical, research...


The Faculty of Education is committed to preparing and qualifying a creative and distinguished teacher in knowledge, skills...


The Faculty seeks to prepare distinguished, competitive and innovative students and graduates...


Apply Now – Regional Innovation Factory Program 2020

Apply Now – Regional Innovation Factory Program 2020

Researchers and entrepreneurs from Egypt are invited to apply to “Regional Innovation Factory 2020: From Research to Market”, a 4-month full-fledge virtual acceleration program by Berytech under THE NEXT SOCIETY's Tech Booster Program, allowing them to turn their innovative technology projects into successful businesses.
If you have developed an applied research project, prototype or technology and you are looking to access the market, create a startup, and get international exposure make sure to apply to the Regional Innovation Factory program before November 5, 2020.
For full information about the program, eligibility criteria, agenda, and application form please visit this link:
Only 21 projects will be selected to take part in this unique program.
The Regional Innovation Factory program is organized by Berytech and ANIMA in the frame of THE NEXT SOCIETY – a EU-funded initiative which gathers and supports entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, NGOs, innovators, research and economic development hubs from Europe and the Mediterranean countries.
To apply for the program, please visit this link:

Benha University jumps 109 Places in Webometrics, July 2020

Benha University jumps 109 Places in Webometrics, July 2020

Prof. Dr. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President said the University has jumped 109 places to be 1613 on Webometrics Ranking of World Universities in the frame of the University's policy to achieve further progress in the file of international classifications.
El Saeed pointed out that progress came as a result for the concerted efforts of all the University's employees, including faculty members, their assistants, young researchers and administrators at various levels to achieve distinguished position for Benha University at the global, African and Arab levels, in addition 70 public, private, and non-profit educational institutions in Egypt which subject to the international assessments in this classification.
In the same context, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs said that success reflects the university's keenness to continue excellence in this classification with its various editions since 2011, adding the University has jumped 109 places in the world ranking July, 2020 comparing with the previous edition of January, 2020 to be 1613 among 30 thousand of higher education institutions.
It is worth mentioning that the University ranked 22 among 12,188 Arab universities, 25 among 1902 African universities by jumping 3 places, 7 among 70 Egyptian public, private and non-profit universities included in that classification.
On the other hand, El Gizawy said the University has jumped 261 places on Openness indicator as well as 45 places on Research Excellence indicator comparing with the previous edition of January, 2020 which reflects the success of the University's programs to support the scientific researches.
Prof. Dr. Shady El Mashad, the Director of the University E-portal said the University jumped 97 places on Presence indicator to be 1191 among 30 thousand world universities and jumped 76 places on Impact indicator to be 4893 comparing with the edition of January, 2020.

El Gizawy: 5 Scientific Researches on Coronavirus Published in Benha University

El Gizawy: 5 Scientific Researches on Coronavirus Published in Benha University

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches' Affairs said the pandemic of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has put health care systems around the world under unprecedented and increasing pressure, according to the World Health Organization "WHO" statements.
He said all research institutions around the world have started to study the virus and its effects from various aspects, so Benha University has launched databases to register the intellectual production of its faculty members and researchers related to the study of Coronavirus, adding there are 5 scientific papers have been registered until now.
One of the registered scientific paper has been published by Dr. Muhammad Loay, from the faculty of computers and artificial intelligence under the title of " Within the deficiency of the COVID-19 dataset for X-ray".
Other research under the title of " Psychological problems caused by the pandemic of Coronavirus (Covied-19)" has been presented by Amal Ibrahim and Mohamed Kamal, the researchers from the faculty of education.
Also Dr. Ibrahim Abdel Ghaffar and others from the faculty of agriculture have published a research including the use of Anthocyanins with a specific structure to be anti-COVID-19 natural active ingredients.
In the same context, Dr. Reda Elbadawy, from the faculty of medicine has published a research under the title of " a study on the reasons of the difference in the increase of the number of the infected between reality and expected".
The 5th research has been published by Dr. Samah Elrafey, from the faculty of nursing under the title of "Symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression in a sample of the population in the first stage of Corona virus pandemic".

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