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The Faculty of Education is committed to preparing and qualifying a creative and distinguished teacher in knowledge, skills...


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Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the Second Semester Exams at Benha Nursing Institute

Prof. Tamer Samir inspects the Second Semester Exams at Benha Nursing Institute

Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs inspected during his tour today the second semester exams at Benha Nursing Institute.
During his tour, Dr. Tamer Samir was accompanied by Dr. Olfat Mossad, the Institute Manager. Dr. Tamer Samir inspected the implemented precautionary measures at the institute to protect students and employees during exams process such as checking students' temperature, keeping suitable spaces among students and wearing masks and he also assured on implementing all of the other precautionary measures to counter the spread of Corona virus.

Benha University starts Coronavirus Vaccination for Its Staff as a Preparation for the Second Semester Exams 2021

Benha University starts Coronavirus Vaccination for Its Staff as a Preparation for the Second Semester Exams 2021

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University inspected vaccination of Benha University employees who are going to participate in the second semester exams 2021.
This event was held in presence of Dr. Mustafa El Qady, The Faculty of Medicine dean and Dr. Amr El Dakhakhny, the Chairman of the University Hospitals Board of Directors. On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy assured that all vaccinations are under supervision of ministry of health and all precautionary measures will be implemented to avoid overcrowding during vaccination time. He also asked all the staff and employees to be keen on receiving the anti-Coronavirus vaccination in light of the precautionary measures.

Ministerial Decrees for appointing Dr.Mohamed Gamal El Ashab as Faculty of Medicine Dean

Ministerial Decrees for appointing Dr.Mohamed Gamal El Ashab as Faculty of Medicine Dean

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, issued ministerial decrees to appoint Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashab as Faculty of Medicine dean. On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University congratulated Dr. Mohamed Gamal El Ashab for that new position and hoped for him great success. He also thanked Dr. Mustafa El Qady, the former dean for his great efforts during his deanship and hoped for him best wishes.

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