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Benha University raises the state of Readiness for Exams at all Sectors

Benha University raises the state of Readiness for Exams at all Sectors

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Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University underscored the important role of Crisis and Disasters Management Unit during the last crisis of Corona Virus and he praised its great role in preserving our health and safety.
The meeting was held in presence of Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs, Dr. Gamal Soussa, the general supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Rageh, the manager of Crisis and Disasters Management Unit, Dr. Khalid Esawy, the general coordinator of Students' Affairs and Abd El Qader Abd El Karim, the general coordinator of Quality Unit.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Nasser El Gizawy assured on implementing all precautionary measures at all faculties and sectors. In addition to preparing exams halls, controls rooms, maintaining sterilization gates , following -up of sterilization at all faculties , raising the state of readiness within the University hospitals and the University's medical administration in the light of the University precautionary measures to limit the spread of Corona Virus.

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