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Sunday, 06 December 2015 04:00

Egypt hosts Zayed Charity Marathon

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In cooperation with Zayed Charity Institution, UAE; the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Egypt organizes the 2nd edition of Zayed…
Friday, 27 November 2015 04:00

ICDL Course at Faculty of Education

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Faculty of Education announces about holding ICDL course for the Faculty administrators' to improve their skills in using computer. The…
Master Thesis of the Researcher \ Amira El Sayed Mohamed Imam will be discussed on Tuesday, 1\12\2015. The discussion committee…
Faculty of Education at Benha University condolences Prof.Dr. Hassan Hashim Boltya who passed away on Thursday, 5\11\2015 and hopes for…
Doctoral Thesis of the Researcher \ Sameh Hassan Saad El Din Harb will be discussed on Monday, 9\11\2015. The discussion…