The IT unit updated the files of the students' research topics in 7-5-2020 and the faculty of education wishes all our students success and prosperity.

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Faculty of Education at Benha University condolences Prof.Dr. Hassan Hashim Boltya who passed away on Thursday, 5\11\2015 and hopes for him forgiveness and mercy.

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Friday, 27 November 2015 04:00

ICDL Course at Faculty of Education




Faculty of Education announces about holding ICDL course for the Faculty administrators' to improve their skills in using computer. The Course will be held in 2\12\2015 at the Faculty Information Technology hall




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Faculty of Education has approved the submitted request of the researcher \ Wessam Abd El Mohsen Zaky about discussing her master thesis. The discussion committee includes; Prof.Dr.Mostafa Ali Ramadan, Prof.Dr.Ahmed Metwally Omar and Prof.Dr.Ashraf Ahmed Abd El Qader.

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Faculty of Education has approved the submitted request of the researcher \ Mona Waheed Saad Moawad about discussing her master thesis. The discussion committee includes; Prof.Dr.Ehab Abd El Aziz ,Ass.Prof.Amal Ibrahim Abd El Aziz El Fiqy and Ass.Prof.Samia Mohamed Saber.

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