Benha Faculty of Education

Foreign relationships

Faculty of education has good cooperation with various colleges and educational institutions and organizations both internally and externally and at all activities and the various areas of seminars, conferences and scientific exchanges and Arbitration, supervision and participation in research projects and exchange experiences.

a scientific cooperation with all the faculties of education in the Arab and Muslim world and foreign, as well as all the bodies and educational institutions locally and globally. For example:

- The participation of college professors to discuss some of the thesis and evaluate scientific research projects for the development of Egyptian and Arab universities

  • cooperation with  faculty members from various faculties of education research magazine, the Arab World College of Education at the University of Benha

- Total participation in many community activities.

- Communication   with the Faculty of King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • Participation of the Faculty of Education, King Saud University high-level delegation Conference Faculty of Education at the University of Benha, which held in the period from 14 to July 15, 2007, entitled "Special Education between Reality and Expectations"

- Participation in the sessions of the development of faculty members at King Faisal University at  Al ahhssa and Al-Taif, Saudi Arabia.