Benha Faculty of Education

Faculty of education Conferences :

Faculty of Education held a number of educational and psychological conferences and symposia, , which drew a large turnout and success and distinction in terms of scientific research, the participation of a number of countries and in terms of preparation, media and organization, and complexity of the overall scientific conferences annually, or more, the conferences to be convened by the Faculty of Education, the academic year 2009 / 2010 :

- Conference of the Faculty of Education, Benha University in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in July 2010 entitled "discovering gifted & talented between reality and expectations"
- Annual Conference of the Faculty of Education, Benha University - Department of Education in August 2010 entitled "Education in a post-modern"
- Annual Conference of the Faculty of Education, Benha University - Department of Mental Health 2011.
- Annual Conference of the Faculty of Education, Benha University - Department of Curriculum and Instruction 2012.
- Annual Conference of the Faculty of Education, Benha University - Department of educational administration and Comparative Education 2013.

Faculty of education workshop plan 2009 / 2010 :

Weekly seminars (mental health – methodology - psychology- fundamental education – comparative education)
Workshop subject
• Mental health workshop
• Child psychology workshop
• Clinical psychology workshop
• Psychotherapy workshop
• Cognitive behavior Diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties
• Develop the skills of teachers on effective communication and presentation
• The development of thinking skills in students
• Leadership development on recent trends in school administration
• Develop the skills of teachers in the use of advanced technology in teaching
• Develop the capacity of counselors and teachers in curriculum design and educational programs
• Teacher development in communication and sign language Therapy