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The University Council Congratulates El Abady and Honors El Basyouny

The University Council Congratulates El Abady and Honors El Basyouny

23 January 2020 | Published in News. Read 399 times.

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     The University Council under presidency of Dr\ Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President, Prof.Dr\ Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Mrs\ Samia Abd El Hamid, The General Secretary of the University and deputies of the Faculty have congratulated Dr\ Mustafa Rashid El Abady for appointing him as the new dean at Faculty of Commerce and hoped for him best wishes and great success at his new position. On the other hand, the University Council honored Dr\ Mohammed Saeed Basyouny for his great efforts during his period as acting dean and hoped for him best wishes.